Ephesians 2:20 Meaning


Paul was in prison for the 1st. time in Rome, in approx. AD 61–63; and wrote Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon!

He had just experienced the Jews rejecting Jesus as Messiah, at Acts. 28:25–28, in Approx. AD 61; and had declared the prophecy of Isa.6:9–10!

After the Acts. 28 declaration, all his efforts were with the Gentiles, hence his comments to them, as he makes clear in Eph. 3:6!

In Romans he is striving still with the Jews and Gentiles in AD 58 approx., where he describes in 11:25–33, the wonderful completion of the Gentile numbers in the Body of Christ; and why the Jews were "partially blinded”; until the time described in Zech.12:10; after which Ezek. 39:21–29 would complete the Jewish Salvation, which Joel describes!


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